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Vestibular Testing Equipment

Vestibular Testing Equipment

Vestibular testing equipment is composed of several components, including videonystagmogram (VNG), rotary chair and vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP).  It is important to know whether you are getting a complete, or partial examination.  For example, a rotary chair gives excellent information regarding your vestibular system and is the only piece of equipment capable of making certain diagnoses.  Due to the high cost of purchasing a rotary chair, the vast majority of vestibular testing facilities do not have this important piece of diagnostic equipment.  

Likewise, the vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) is the only method we currently have to analyze the function of the inferior portion of the vestibular nerve.  There are two parts of the vestibular nerve, the top (superior) portion and the lower (inferior) portion.  The VNG and rotary chair only analyze the function of the superior portion of the vestibular nerve.  There are also specific vestibular disease states easily identified by the VEMP, which would evade detection by just a VNG.

At BalanceMD, we have invested in the latest technology available in diagnostic testing equipment, including videonystagmogram (VNG), rotary chair, and vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP).